Montecatini CFA SHOW
        17-18 March 2007

Horatio Asia became Champion at his first show.
Thank you to Anna Tuvo for organizing such a beautiful show.



Horatio Asia and Gary Veach

Horatio Asia and Darrell Newkirk

Sunnybeach Bambino of Lion Blanc and Wain Harding

Brumar Silver Forever

Noblessa's Imperator of Conquerone and Gary Veach

Noblessa's Imperator of Conquerone and his owner

Kuorii Privilege and Peter Vanwonterghem

Baghera De Vivendi of Settimo Cielo and Arie Groenewegen

Noblessa's Imperator of Conquerone and Arie Groenewegen

Artemis Star Maker and Gary Veach

Artemis Star Maker and Gary Veach

Artemis Star Maker and Gary Veach

A beautiful tortie and Darrell Newkirk

Cuba Libre's Shirley Temple and Darrell Newkirk

Planika Svarun and Darrel Newkirk

Sergio Vitali and his Fantaghirò

Oxalis Malizia and Wain Harding

Elchakcharan Mambo of Dolceamore and Gary Veach